Module (gtts)

gTTS (gtts.gTTS)

class gtts.tts.gTTS(text, lang='en', slow=False, lang_check=True, pre_processor_funcs=[<function tone_marks>, <function end_of_line>, <function abbreviations>, <function word_sub>], tokenizer_func=<bound method of re.compile('(?<=\?).|(?<=\!).|(?<=\?).|(?<=\!).|(?<!\.[a-z])\. |(?<!\.[a-z])\, |\(|\。|\n|\…|\:|\—|\[|\¡|\]|\:|\)|\、|\;|\,|\‥|\،|\¿', re.IGNORECASE) from: [<function tone_marks>, <function period_comma>, <function other_punctuation>]>)[source]

gTTS – Google Text-to-Speech.

An interface to Google Translate’s Text-to-Speech API.

  • text (string) – The text to be read.
  • lang (string, optional) – The language (IETF language tag) to read the text in. Defaults to ‘en’.
  • slow (bool, optional) – Reads text more slowly. Defaults to False.
  • lang_check (bool, optional) – Strictly enforce an existing lang, to catch a language error early. If set to True, a ValueError is raised if lang doesn’t exist. Default is True.
  • pre_processor_funcs (list) –

    A list of zero or more functions that are called to transform (pre-process) text before tokenizing. Those functions must take a string and return a string. Defaults to:

  • tokenizer_func (callable) –

    A function that takes in a string and returns a list of string (tokens). Defaults to:

  • AssertionError – When text is None or empty; when there’s nothing left to speak after pre-precessing, tokenizing and cleaning.
  • ValueError – When lang_check is True and lang is not supported.
  • RuntimeError – When lang_check is True but there’s an error loading the languages dictionnary.

Do the TTS API request and write result to file.

Parameters:savefile (string) – The path and file name to save the mp3 to.
Raises:gTTSError – When there’s an error with the API request.

Do the TTS API request and write bytes to a file-like object.


fp (file object) – Any file-like object to write the mp3 to.

  • gTTSError – When there’s an error with the API request.
  • TypeError – When fp is not a file-like object that takes bytes.
exception gtts.tts.gTTSError(msg=None, **kwargs)[source]

Exception that uses context to present a meaningful error message

infer_msg(tts, rsp)[source]

Attempt to guess what went wrong by using known information (e.g. http response) and observed behaviour

Languages (gtts.lang)


The easiest way to get a list of available language is to print them with gtts-cli --all


Languages Google Text-to-Speech supports.

Returns:A dictionnary of the type { ‘<lang>’: ‘<name>’}

Where <lang> is an IETF language tag such as en or pt-br, and <name> is the full English name of the language, such as English or Portuguese (Brazil).

Return type:dict

The dictionnary returned combines languages from two origins:

  • Languages fetched automatically from Google Translate
  • Languages that are undocumented variations that were observed to work and present different dialects or accents.


Write ‘hello’ in English to hello.mp3:

>>> from gtts import gTTS
>>> tts = gTTS('hello', lang='en')

Write ‘hello bonjour’ in English then French to hello_bonjour.mp3:

>>> from gtts import gTTS
>>> tts_en = gTTs('hello', lang='en')
>>> tts_fr = gTTS('bonjour', lang='fr')
>>> with open('hello_bonjour.mp3', 'wb') as f:
...     tts_en.write_to_fp(f)
...     tts_fr.write_to_fp(p)

Playing sound directly

There’s quite a few libraries that do this. Write ‘hello’ to a file-like object do further manipulation::

>>> from gtts import gTTS
>>> from io import BytesIO
>>> mp3_fp = BytesIO()
>>> tts = gTTS('hello', 'en')
>>> tts.write_to_fp(mp3_fp)
>>> # Load `audio_fp` as an mp3 file in
>>> # the audio library of your choice


gtts does logging using the standard Python logging module. The following loggers are available:

Logger used for the gTTS class
Logger used for the lang module (language fetching)
Upstream logger for all of the above